How We Started

Exposure Program was created from the desire to expose youth to various opportunities outside of their immediate environment.
After observing youth in several states struggling with self knowledge and sharing a common desire to emulate professionals in entertainment and sports related careers, we found it imperative to provide resources and tools to expand their vision and ways of thinking. Exposure Project believes that youth can be empowered to overcome current and past circumstances by not only envisioning and hearing about unlimited career professions, but also having real life experiences in various careers.
Weekly Sessions
Game Changers will engage in character development sessions to become the best version of themselves. Research shows that defining one's uniqueness, learning and creating new things, pushing one's self, staying motivated, and being held accountable are just a few of the qualities needed to be the best version of yourself.
Shadow Ladder
Game Changers will have exposure to various industry's through shadowing experts and learning more about their careers and personal journeys. Exposure Project has partnered with experts in various industries to allow for a diverse experience.
Service Learning
Game Changers will engage in group led service projects to address concerns and issues they have encountered in their community, home, and school environments.
Exposure Trips
Game Changers will have the opportunity to encounter new experiences by attending various exposure trips from expos to the arts.